Various Advantages Offered By A Self Loading Mixer Truck

A self-loading concrete mixer truck offer a number of advantages. It has become an essential piece of equipment at construction sites where it’s not possible to get a consistent supply of concrete due to the construction site being far away or narrow or tough to reach.

This piece of construction machinery is capable of loading, weighing, mixing and discharging in one automated system. Everything is controlled through a single control panel. More often than not, only a single operator is required for various functions.

Various Advantages Offered By A Self Loading Mixer Truck
China Self Loading Concrete Mixer Price

In short, it packs in a bunch of features that make it perfect for construction projects. If you are still at the edge, here is what you should know about the biggest advantages of this piece of machinery.

One of the biggest advantages of this mixer truck (самоходная бетономешалка с самозагрузкой) is its ease of operation. It requires only a single operator as everything is fully automated. There are joystick controls inside the truck that can be used by the operator for various parts of the system. Essentially, it saves a lot of money in terms of labor costs as a single operator is able to do all the work of mixing and discharging concrete.

It is an all-terrain vehicle which means you don’t need to worry about terrain. You can drive it almost everywhere and get a consistent supply of high quality concrete. What makes it even better is the quality of the concrete.

If you opt for getting concrete from another vendor, you might not be able to get that consistent quality but if the concrete is freshly prepared, you will always get the desired quality and that will show in the quality of your projects.

It also adds efficiency to construction projects as you don’t have to wait for delivery of concrete. The operator needs to push a few buttons to get the desired specification mix which can then be supplied to the construction site, at the right time. Learn more:

AS-1.8 self-loading mobile concrete mixer
AS-1.8 self-loading mobile concrete mixer

Where to buy the right self-loading truck?

While this piece of machinery offers a number of advantages, it would be a mistake to assume that every brand selling this machinery is right for you. Due to the huge demand for this machine, a number of companies have jumped in.

The problem is that not many of these companies have any experience or expertise. They think of this piece of machinery as putting together a few systems without really worrying about making all the systems work together. Needless to say, these late entrants to the industry often have systems that are not as efficient as some of the more polished offerings by reputed brands.

When you are researching various options, you should pay attention to product quality and manufacturer’s reputation (like China Aimix Group). Talk to people who are already using a particular brand or a particular model.

Join online communities related to construction industry to get recommendations. Check the availability of replacement parts and service technicians. Find out about the cost of maintenance, cost of replacement parts and how often these machines break down.

In short, do proper research and compare various models on several parameters before choosing a particular one.


There are several advantages of investing in a self-loading mixer (самоходный бетоносмеситель). It is a fully automated piece of machinery that makes construction projects more efficient. Also, it is an all-terrain vehicle which means you don’t need to worry about the terrain. However, you need to pay attention to the product quality and maintenance requirements to choose the right brand and model.